Leadership Development

Interested in developing your leaders?  Here is a list of proven content that Sisu has delivered for other organizations.  Don’t see something you want or have an idea for a custom program?  Reach out and we will let you know if it’s in our wheelhouse. 

“I am where I am today due in great part to David Nichols. He has a way of stretching your comfort zone and inspiring you to be the best version of yourself. He is a servant leader at heart and wants nothing more than to see others reach their full potential. I am beyond grateful for David’s mentorship and the lasting impact he’s had on my leadership journey, and I would highly recommend him to everyone I know.”

Kristin Burkart — CEO at Wyoming and Colorado Children’s Society

  • Coaching & Development

    The younger generations in the workplace want continuous development. This training teaches a coaching model for employee development and the skills to be an effective coach.

  • Time Management

    We’d all love to add more hours to the day but we’ll have to settle for making the most of the hours we have. This training is a time efficient way to explore our own efficiency and productivity.

  • Stress Management

    Stress can be debilitating and contagious or a catalyst toward resilience. This training explores the role of stress in our lives and how to manage it more effectively. It also looks at shifting our attitudes about stress and our mental state.

  • Team Dynamics

    We’ve all been part of healthy and unhealthy teams. What if we had some models and tools to build stronger teams? This training looks at factors that impact team effectiveness and stages of team development.

  • Behavioral Styles in the Workplace

    Why does that co-worker who thinks so differently than me bother me so much? This informative and humorous training looks at our preferences and tendencies in life and how that may impact us at work.

  • Managing Change

    We all deal with change, whether we are planning it or charged with implementing it. This training looks at factors that influence the success of a new change and what leaders can do to make the change easier to manage for employees.

  • Conflict Management

    We all deal with conflict in our daily lives, some big and some small, yet most of us do not have effective tools for dealing with this inevitable aspect of our work. This training helps leaders understand their own conflict patterns and learn tools for managing conflict.

  • Leadership Foundations

    This training focuses on the connection between professional and personal growth through exploring aspects of emotional intelligence. It truly is the foundation to develop before building other leadership skills like coaching, conflict resolution, change management, team leadership.

  • Facilitation Skills

    What if you could get more involvement, better decision making, greater buy-in, and less conflict in any discussion? You can with stronger facilitation skills. Whether we are leading team meetings or public information sessions we can all benefit from having a stronger plan and skillset to meet our discussion objectives. This training helps participants plan for their meetings, develop skills to be more effective discussion leaders, and handle conflict & disagreement.

  • Interviewing Strategies

    So many people think they can “just tell” who is a good hire from an interview. Many of the same people can’t even articulate what they are looking for in a candidate. This training focuses on interviewing more effectively through better planning, creative assessment methodologies, and interviewer skill development. An emphasis is placed on planning better interview experiences that provide clearer perspective on the candidate’s fit for the job.

  • New Supervisor Team Toolkit

    Supervisors often face immediate challenges when taking over a new leadership role. This follow up to Team Dynamics is focused on helping prepare future supervisors for taking on their first team supervision assignment. It focuses on helping the leader understand their management style and learning tools & activities they can use with a new team to build trust, establish expectations, and manage negative team dynamics.

  • Public Speaking

    According to a Washington Post survey, more people are afraid of public speaking than they are of drowning. This training helps build a stronger foundation for public speaking through skill development and practice. Longer programs provide more opportunities for practice and feedback.

  • Customized Leadership Development Experience

    Sisu can create customized training programs to work with a cohort of leaders over a longer period of time. Participants in these programs build stronger skills through more in-depth learning and practice, and create stronger partnerships across the organization through the cohort model. Past participants have a track record of being promoted and exceling in new positions. The curriculum is established with input from the business and Sisu, but often includes the Leadership Foundations experience with other training areas that are relevant to the targeted participants given their level, current development, and organizational roles. For example:

    Part 1 — Leadership Foundations

    Part 2 — Team Dynamics, New Supervisor Toolkit, Time Management

    Part 3 — Conflict Management, Public Speaking