“I want you to know how meaningful the training program I attended has been. The work we did in those few days has opened new ways of how I approach my life, family and work. It’s no exaggeration to say that experience was a turning point in my life. Those lessons and our work still resonate three years later.”

—John Arambarri—State Pavements Engineer—Idaho Transportation Department

  • Leadership Development

    Leaders are the lifeblood of any organization, often determining success or failure. Sisu can help your leaders build the interpersonal skillset and leadership toolkit that will help them create the kind of positive impact your organization needs. Click here to learn more about our leadership development programs.

  • Keynote Speaking

    Have an upcoming event and need a dynamic keynote? Sisu’s keynotes offer a mix of key ideas, heartfelt stories, a dash of humor, and audience interaction that promise to lead to some laughs, a few tears, and a lot of learning.

  • Conflict Management Training

    We all deal with conflicts, some big and some small, yet most of us do not have effective tools for dealing with this inevitable aspect of our work. Sisu can help you and your team build a conflict resolution mindset and skillset that will change the unhealthy dynamics hampering your success.

  • Facilitation Services

    Need help with a critical meeting to make a key decision or work through an important issue? It can be challenging to manage all the voices and opinions in the room, especially when you need to play other roles as a leader or content expert. Sisu has a professional facilitation skillset to help make your meetings more productive, efficient, and harmonious.

  • Teambuilding & Team Offsites

    Have a new team that needs to launch quickly? Want to build more effective team relationships and communication? Sisu can design an experience that is tailored to your team and its needs.